Help Me Grow is a voluntary family support program for pregnant women or new parents. Help Me Grow is an evidence-based program that promotes healthy growth and development for babies and young children. Our home visitors are well-trained professionals who use a non-judgmental and compassionate approach that empowers parents with skills, tools and confidence to nurture the healthy growth of their children.
Help Me Grow believes all young children deserve the same opportunities to realize their full potential in life, regardless of economic, geographic, and demographic considerations. The parenting education and child development resources provided to families allows them to maximize this critical period of development in their child’s life, providing a foundation for lasting success.
When a parent schedules a home visit with Help Me Grow, they will have the opportunity to share to share their thoughts about parenting, ask questions, and receive reliable information based on their individual family needs or topics of interest. Topics may include, but are not limited to:
Healthy Pregnancies
Baby and Child Health
Child Growth and Development
Toilet Training
Child Safety
Household Safety
Local Resources
Early Intervention (EI) is a statewide system that provides coordinated early intervention services to parents of eligible children under the age of three with developmental delays or disabilities. EI is grounded in the philosophy that young children learn best from familiar people in familiar settings. Every family served in EI will have a local EI team that consists of a service coordinator, service providers, and your family. Your team works with you in your home or other places you and your family spend time to develop a coordinated plan called an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). You and your team will work through your IFSP plan to use your existing supports and resources—and build upon them—to learn to enhance your child’s learning and development.
Referrals may be made by anyone who has a concern about a child's development or if they would like a free screening for their child under two.
Jackson County offers playgroups to eligible children and their families. Playgroups are held once a month at:
Elizabeth's Hope Pregnancy Resource
151 W. Main St.
Jackson, OH 45640
P: 740-286-5678
Call for time and date
Each enrolled family will receive a calendar of events on a monthly basis that will include the time and day of the playgroup as well as other meetings that families are invited to attend, like the Family and Children First Council meeting or the Early Childhood Coordinating Committee. Call (740) 286-4436 if you would like any information about these groups.
Vaccine Clinic Hours
Monday - Thursday
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
To report an infectious disease, please contact:
Pat Woolum, Infectious Disease Nurse
740-286-5094 ext 2833
For more information on nursing services, please contact:
Jodi Strite, Director of Nursing
740-286-5094 ext 2826
Mary Catherine Shook, PH Nurse
740-286-5094 ext 2825
For more information on other health services, please contact:
Megan Peters-Wiseman, FCFC Coordinator