Food Safety
1. Food Service Operation - a place, location, site, or separate area where food intended to be served in individual portions is prepared or served for a charge or required donation. As used in this division, "served" means a response made to an order for one or more individual portions of food in a form that is edible without washing, cooking, or additional preparation and "prepared" means any action that affects a food other than receiving or maintaining it at the temperature at which it was received.
Except when expressly provided otherwise, "food service operation" includes a catering food service operation, food delivery sales operation, mobile food service operation, seasonal food service operation, temporary food service operation, and vending machine location.
2. Retail Food Establishment – a premises or part of a premises where food is stored, processed, prepared, manufactured, or otherwise held or handled for retail sale. Except when expressly provided otherwise, "retail food establishment" includes a mobile retail food establishment, seasonal retail food establishment, and temporary retail food establishment.
3. Temporary Retail Food Establishment - means a retail food establishment that is operated at an event for not more than five consecutive days, except when operated for more than five consecutive days pursuant to division (E)(2) of section 3717.23 of the Revised Code.
4. Temporary Food Service Operation - a food service operation that is operated at an event for not more than five consecutive days, except when operated for more than five consecutive days pursuant to division (E)(2) of section 3717.43 of the Revised Code.
5. Catering Food Service Operation - a food service operation where food is prepared in a Risk Level 4 licensed food service operation for serving at a function or event held at an off-premises site, for a charge determined on a per-function or per-event basis. We need in the file for the Risk Level 4 facility used for a catering business the manufacturer/model #'s of all equipment used for the catering operation.
6. Mobile Food Service Operation - a food service operation that is operated from a movable vehicle, portable structure, or watercraft and that routinely changes location, except that if the operation remains at any one location for more than forty consecutive days, the operation is no longer a mobile food service operation. "Mobile food service operation" includes a food service operation that does not remain at any one location for more than forty consecutive days and serves, in a manner consistent with division (F) of this section, only frozen desserts; beverages, nuts, popcorn, candy, or similar confections; bakery products identified in section 911.01 of the Revised Code; or any combination of those items.
7. Mobile Retail Food Establishment - a retail food establishment that is operated from a movable vehicle, portable structure, or watercraft and that routinely changes location, except that if the operation remains at any one location for more than forty consecutive days, the operation is no longer a mobile retail food establishment.
8. Vending Machine Location - an area or room where one or more vending machines are installed and operated, except that if the machines within an area are separated by more than one hundred fifty feet, each area separated by that distance constitutes a separate vending machine location. As used in this division, "vending machine" means a self-service device that automatically dispenses on the insertion of currency, tokens, or similar means a predetermined unit serving of food, either in bulk or in package, without having to be replenished after each use.
9. Seasonal Food Service Operation/Retail Food Establishment - a food service operation, other than a mobile food service operation, that is operated for not more than six months in a licensing period.
10. Food Delivery Sales Operation - a food service operation from which individual portions of food are ordered by a customer, prepared at another food service operation or a retail food establishment, and delivered to the customer by a person other than an employee of the food service operation or retail food establishment that prepared the food.
A retail food establishment license and inspections are not required if a store has less than 200 cubic feet of display space of non-potentially hazardous commercially pre-packaged food items. Basically, no meat, dairy, or any other kind of food that requires temperature control for safety. Also, the food must be commercially pre-packaged from an inspected food processing establishment. (ORC 3717.22)
All food facilities are inspected at least once or twice a year by a registered sanitarian from the Jackson County Health Department in accordance with OAC 3701-21-02.4. Some food facilities are required to have more inspections or additional inspections based upon types of food and high risk food processes being prepared.
To report a public health emergency, please contact:
Kevin Aston, Health Commissioner
During Business Hours:
740-286-5094 ext 2824
24/7 Contact & After Hours:
740-835-6698 | Primary
740-352-3245 | Secondary
For information about Food Safety, contact:
Terry Barr, REHS
740-286-5094 ext. 2835
David Ramby, REHS
E.H. Director
740-286-5094 ext. 2836