Solid and Hazardous Waste
The Jackson County Health Department is currently on the Ohio EPA's Solid and Infectious Waste "Approved List."
Annual Survey of Approved Health Departments
Input and comments regarding what criteria should be used to determine if a Health Department is:
· Meeting the requirements outlined in the Annual Survey rules (below)
· Not meeting the Annual Survey rules and should be resurveyed
· Should be removed from the director’s approved list
OAC Rule 3745-37-08(C)(1) and (D)(2)
Applications for licenses are on the file for each licensed solid waste, infectious waste treatment, or CDD (Construction & Demolition Debris) facility in the health district.
OAC Rule 3745-37-08(C)(2) and (D)(2)
Applications are properly completed with all required information (prior to license issuance).
OAC Rule 3745-37-08(C)(3) and (D)(3)
All known solid waste, infectious waste treatment, and C&DD facilities operating in the health district do hold valid and unexpired licenses.
OAC Rule 3745-27-08(C)(4)
No license has been issued for any new solid waste or new infectious waste treatment facility prior to the Director’s issuance of required permits and approval of required detail plans.
OAC Rule 3745-37-08(C)(5) and (D)(4)
Certification of inspection and compliance has been made to the Director within thirty days after issuance of any license.
OAC Rule 3745-37-08(C)(7) and (D)(6)
The health district maintains a file of information relating to each licensed solid waste, infectious waste treatment, and C&DD facility throughout each facility’s operation and applicable closure periods. Each file includes applications for licenses, certification records, inspection records, approved plans, litigation information (except that privileged by the attorney-client relationship), and other pertinent information.
OAC Rule 3745-37-08(C)(8) and (D)(7)
The health district undertakes appropriate actions against persons whenever necessary to bring about substantial compliance with Chapters 3734. and 3714. of the Revised Code and rules adopted thereunder.
OAC Rule 3745-37-08(C)(9) and (D)(8)
The health district takes immediate action to abate serious hazards to the public health resulting from violations of Chapters 3734. and 3714. of the Revised Code and rules adopted thereunder.
OAC Rule 3745-37-08(C)(10) and (D)(9)
The health district complies with applicable facility license transfer procedures.
OAC Rule 3745-37-08(C)(11) and (D)(10)
The health district seeks legal assistance from appropriate state and local agencies as necessary to carry out its assigned responsibilities.
OAC Rule 3745-37-08(D)(11)
Each health district staff person possesses either a registered sanitarian/sanitarian-in-training certificate, the equivalent educational background required, or two years adequate work experience inspecting waste facilities.
OAC Rule 3745-37-08(D)(12)
The health district maintains a file of information relating to each exemption and license special term/condition. The file includes a copy of each exemption order issued and each license issued that contains special terms and/or conditions, as well as the health district’s written justification for each action.