Vital Statistics
Please note the fee for a certified copy of a Birth or Death Certificate is $30.
Payment is available by cash, check, credit/debit cards, or money order.
We do not accept out-of-county checks.
Thank you!
The Vital Statistics office prepares paternity affidavits, death and birth affidavits, burial permits as well as registers all death and home birth events occurring in Jackson County.
Home births are registered by the Health District. Guidance on preparation of the appropriate forms is available by calling the Vital Statistics office. The forms may be downloaded and completed, brought to the vital statistics office where filing will be completed.
Jackson County Health Department is a participant in statewide birth certificate issuance. We can issue a birth certificate to anyone born in any county in Ohio.
Application to Request Certified Copy of Birth Certificate
Information necessary when making a request includes:
Name at birth on the certificate
Date of birth on the certificate
If applicable, father’s name
Maiden name of the mother (birth certificate)
Applicant information
Jackson County Health Department registers all deaths which occurred in Jackson County. Requests for certificates for deaths which occurred outside Jackson County must be made at the Local Health District of that county.
Application to Request Certified Copy of Death Certificate
Information necessary when making a request includes:
Verification that death occurred in Jackson County
Name of Deceased
Date of death
Relationship to Deceased
Applicant information
Business Hours
Monday - Friday
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM
For more information on Administrative Services, please contact:
Charla Caldwell, Registrar and Accounts Clerk
740-286-5094 ext 2821